by logoholik • Uploaded: Sep. 10 '07 - Gallerized: Sep. '07
Second concept. Also rejected.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
cool! Not sure if the shadow complicates it a bit...maybe its just me!
Replyyeah agree with trulywelsh, drop the shadow .. it looks good that way :) %0D*%0D*ur showcase is just AweSOme !! all of them are GOOD ! :)
Replythanks. You are probably right for shadow.
ReplyShouldnt the %227%22 come before the %22w%22 as the name of the company indicates?
Replywell it is above it :) and it forms a neat arrow pointing up too :)
Replyor down?! fu%25%243ck those shadows will kill me one day :)
ReplyI don't think anyone wants to be Randy b/c all he does is say %22Wassup Dawg%22 and agrees with Simon or Paula using their exact same reasonings. He never thinks for himself
Replylogholik, I agree about losing the shadow..otherwise very nice.**out of curiousity, why do you so often put the shadow on your logo designs?
ReplyGood question. I have to quit that sooner or later %3B)
ReplyLol!! Paula doesn't drink enough to be me!!
Replylogoholik, are you one of the guys behind tencreatives? :D
Reply@ClimaxDesigns, hrmm from the times I watched last season, he usually went after those guys. I think they often switch up the order.
Reply@gcm, yep
ReplyIgnore the negative comments from those who comment just to question something. %3B) Great concept as usual Bojan. Im feelin' it!
ReplyMay I ask what typeface that is? I'm definitely feelin the logo.
Replyit is good ol' futura. I hated that font in the nineties, but, somehow it came back to me after long period. Hell, i've used it in my own logo :)
ReplyI loooooove this logo. Great concept realy. I dont know how could they reject it.... shame on them. %0D*It is eye catching. And regarding the shadow i think that shadow gives something special to it.
ReplySurprised i missed this one. Very cool Bojan!
ReplyGood Logo
Replyand very old one :) thx... funny thing is how geometric sans typography like futura, avantgarde, avenir and similar are (again) trendy... man, I cannot wait for it to pass :) especially not futura again for christ's sake :) or avant garde (if someone remebers, it was default font for CorelDRAW! :)
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