by liquor • Uploaded: Jan. 23 '09
Quick and simple. Random 80's colors. Used font: allstar4.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
I really like the concept, i think the rabbit ears need work, I thought it was an alien head :)%0D*%0D*It would be great if you could incorporate the large turn dials the 80's tvs had :P%0D*%0D*The font kind of looks like sports jersey numbers to me, not sold on it.
Replyi will think about %22the large turn dials%22...conception is correct:)*...and jooop, font is quite sporty but only this one from simple sans serif reminds me 80's:)
Replyi love the clean look of your design, but to me the tv's of the 80's stood out because of their large dials (and the wood frame). But honestly, I probably will like it either way. :)
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