Cutting Edge Campaign Logo

by lifesaverservant • Uploaded: Mar. 19 '08


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Description: Competitive Edge is a name of a client campaign. It's too generic and not much fun... Which is kinda why I'm posting this one. I want to show my friends and fellow designers that there is hope when you have a bad name and still need to do a logo for it. :)
As seen on: EDB of Tacoma Pierce County
Status: Client work
Viewed: 5296

Lets Discuss

lifesaverservant Mar. 25 '08

Well... I love the client. Just not the name. They work so hard for something that is not too catchy. Sad but true.

shahrulazmi Apr. 06 '08

not a bad mark, but the kerning of the %22i%22 in cutting is catching my eye.


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