ThinkEco Art Supplies

by lexter_ang27 • Uploaded: Aug. 26 '08 - Gallerized: Aug. '08


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Description: An identity for a fictional art store that supplies environmental friendly art products. This was done for a brand development project in VFS (Vancouver Film School)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8874

Lets Discuss

mentelibre1 Aug. 26 '08

me gusta el concepto!

gthobbs Aug. 26 '08

Sort of counter concept. Here you are showing an entire tree being used to make one pencil. Way cool design but it misses the message target.

iwanrmpl Aug. 26 '08

ordinary execution...

Rotwart Aug. 26 '08

i don't understand the point. How is making pencils out of trees eco friendly? its just odd.

people search Aug. 26 '08

nice but things are a bit too congested for me

koodoz Aug. 26 '08

The concept is interesting but gthobbs makes a very valid point. I also think the pencil's details is too different to the style of the tree. It kind of looks like to bits of clip art have just been plonked together.

ricecakes Aug. 27 '08

the illustration looks very web 2.0, i think simplifying it down to two colors might be a better approach. plus what gthobbs said. clever concept, though.

userz2k Aug. 27 '08

perfect concept !

GabrielRO Oct. 01 '08

good idea, but dont like much the illustration.

eddeezy Nov. 30 '08

great illustration

Tani EcoD Jan. 06 '09

congratulations! your are one of mine! %3B)%0D*but i'm a interior ecodesigner... keep the spirit!

awalkinmyshoes Mar. 20 '09

You guys don't understand the concept of environmentally friendly in this case. Pencils are environmentally friendly because they're made out of wood, which can be broken down by the earth naturally..but pens on the other hand, which are made out of plastics (or other hard plastics) are harder or possibly completely unable to be broken down by the earth..**so..this logo does make sense..


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