Fun in the Run logo

by levelb • Uploaded: Jun. 22 '10 - Gallerized: Jun. '10


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Description: Logo for my neighborhood's first annual festival
Status: Client work
Viewed: 32851

Lets Discuss

firebrand Jun. 23 '10

Cool. I have on old polish tin like this.

mcdseven Jun. 23 '10

great use of typography. really like this

levelb Jun. 23 '10

Thanks everyone! I tend to design on the retro side. This was one of those freebies projects that I kept putting off until the very last minute. Maybe i should procrastinate on my other logo projects! :-)

OcularInk Jun. 23 '10

%5E %5E LOL...this is beautiful.

JoePrince Jun. 23 '10

I love the look to this.

dannygdammit Jun. 23 '10

ahh so pleasure-ful to the eyes. nicely balanced!

dotflo Jun. 23 '10

great look and feel

Logomania Jun. 24 '10

wow such a great and simple solution...beautiful!

esotericsean Jun. 24 '10

Your neighbor has a festival at their house?**Love the logo, though. I want a t-shirt with that on it. :)

anzo Jun. 24 '10

Great design. Did you consider having the lower line that wraps the edge connect to the %22n%22 in run instead of it being connected to the same line the the %22R%22 is tied to?

levelb Jun. 24 '10

Thanks again for all the compliments guys! **@anzo...that is a very good point! I hadn't thought about that but it give it a nice balance. I might have to give that a try. if anything it will be for my portfolio since the shirts are being printed now. If anyone is in Des Moines, IA on July 17th, stop by! :-)

matthymes Jun. 28 '10

I really like this, even the choice of color is superb, nice work.

BK Jun. 29 '10

sweet retro feel, nice work!

digitalreligion Jul. 16 '10

Very nice. Stands out great. Reminds me of old school hockey style logos they used to put on the pucks.

mikxel Sep. 16 '10

Design like this makes me stare. And stare. And then... finally... hit... back.

creatibros Feb. 04 '11

This is great my friend. kUDOS. I find it really interesting to achieve logos with that many typographies... Theyre all basic ones or custom?

levelb Feb. 07 '11

Thanks Pedro! They are all built off an existing typeface, but modified to fit.

glassocean Nov. 28 '14

I would very much like you commission you to make a logo for me using this style. I can't seem to message you thru this site however.


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