
by lepshey • Uploaded: May. 21 '09


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MomentumMagazine May. 21 '09

Cool idea but I would like to not see the spikes on the one mark, so that they are all the same. The different color separates them enough, no need to add more to it. Nice idea.%3D!

logoholik May. 21 '09

For some reason this instantly reminded me of this genius logo :)

logotomy May. 21 '09

There are a lot of logos like that, speaking about individualism by showing a bunch of figures and making one stands out by changing the color. It is a little bit boring eventually. I would instead just let the three grey figures and remove the orange one, like he left %3B)

lepshey May. 30 '09

Individualism is the design studio The brand concept shows that this design studio helps its customers build the unique image to stand out from the crowd. The logo illustrates the expression %22Content is a King, Design is a Crown%22. The name 'Individualism' graphically supports this idea, one of the 'I's is marked with a crown. It's not a just colour separation, the man with a crown on his head.*


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