Oroweat Spirit of the Games Promotion

by leighton_hubbell • Uploaded: Jul. 31 '08 - Gallerized: Aug. '08


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Description: Proposed Olympic promotional logo for Oroweat bread. Appears on bread packaging and POS materials.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 10935

Lets Discuss

gthobbs Jul. 31 '08

I like. I like Oroweat too.

sdijock Jul. 31 '08

First off, let me say that I like this logo - you usually do great work. However...I would check in with the US Olympic Committee on this one. I did a lot of work for AT%26T back during the Altlanta and Sydney Olympics and USOC has VERY strict rules against using the Olympic torch (or any representation of it) in any way, shape or form. We were forbidden to use it for AT%26T and they were even an Olympic sponsor at the time.**Just warning you that you may need to take it out of the logo if they get wind of it - but I hope not.

leighton_hubbell Jul. 31 '08

Like it says, it was a proposed logo. I worked on this a number of months ago. For various reasons, it did not fly. Of course, when working with an ad agency, you don't get much in feedback usually.**Thanks for the heads up.


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