
by laurus • Uploaded: Jan. 06 '10


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Description: Logo for a home design community
As seen on: Houzz
Status: Client work
Viewed: 5046

Lets Discuss

firebrand Jan. 06 '10

Not saying you copied it, yours may well have come first.

laurus Jan. 06 '10

Thanks. Very similar although the idea is different. The shape represents an 'H' and abstract design, not a specific object. Definitely did not copy it or suspect they did – people can have similar ideas and executions when working with very simple geometric shapes.

JF Jan. 06 '10

Agree with laurus. %0D*%0D*Concept is different%3B geometric shapes such as these can be so simple, that their forms can end up being similar when used in this manner to produce the final product %5Blogo design%5D. I believe this holds true in most visual communication, when dealing with the most basic of shapes. Personally, I would leave some room between mark and type%3B needs to breathe a little. Overall, good work.


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