Pizza Modo

by laurus • Uploaded: Nov. 01 '07


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Description: Logo for Pizzeria chain
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4966

Lets Discuss

firebrand Nov. 01 '07

I love the quirkiness here. Am I right to think the pizza slicer is a delivery scooter?

james_ Nov. 02 '07

I got the delivery scooter idea straight away. Nice one! Typography is excellent. Can't fault this one and wish I had thought of it %3B-)

laurus Nov. 02 '07

Firebrand %26%23150%3B you are right. The whole brand revolves around the Mod fashion (hence 60s quirkiness), scooters, etc. Originally, I had designed a logo with similar type and a mod boot (pun on Italy%26%23133%3B), but the client really hated the idea.


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