Cloud no. 9

by kosta • Uploaded: May. 18 '10


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Description: it's raining up on cloud 9...
As seen on: logo design portfolio
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 1554

Lets Discuss

sdijock May. 18 '10

I like the overall concept but I think the top of the %22cloud%22 should look more cloud-like than just a circle. I think with that minor refinement it'll still read as a %229%22.

kosta May. 18 '10

Thanks for the comment Steve. You're right, I guess it's more like %22The raining blue sun%22 this way :D

tigerss May. 18 '10

I wonder if you could make the 'l' and 'i' angled like the rain? Have 'cloud' at an angle and cut through the first 'n'? Use an italic font? Or make the font thickness the same as the rain thickness? **Guess I'm saying I like the logo but feel the logo and name don't merge very well.

kosta May. 18 '10

Indeed, type was something I just thrown in quickly to explain the mark. I'm not sure italics would work well, because of quite a big angle it would have to match, but putting the line thickness in scale with type is definitely a good idea! Thanks for sharing your thoughts Paul :)**(cool avatar btw)

frankwhytegfx May. 23 '10

Yeah Id Definitely Like To See More Of A Cloud Shape, But Other Than That I Like It. Good Job.


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