
by kiswani • Uploaded: Nov. 16 '09


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Description: Logo that could resemble a gigantic corporate, I would appreciate the comments
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 1139

Lets Discuss

dannygdammit Nov. 16 '09

I think if the colors were at the same end of the spectrum it'd help.. orange to purple feels less corporate to me.. just my thoughts though. cool mark though!

kiswani Nov. 16 '09

@Danny I guess ill try to use a radial gradient from center, what colors would you choose if you were in my place ? Thanks for the comment bro :)

dannygdammit Nov. 17 '09

I mean the purple/blue is probably more corporate than the orange.. i would try maybe a light blue to a blue.. or maybe even a green to blue.... a radial may work, but so may a linear.. I'd just try several options and see what you like best :).. also, see what happens if you keep the type a solid color (and use one of the colors in your gradient) hope this helps!


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