Achieve Wellness

by kinetic • Uploaded: Apr. 08 '10


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Description: Logo for wellness company
As seen on: Achieve Wellness LLC
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2036

Lets Discuss

mcdseven Apr. 08 '10

sorry for been the logo police....****just giving you the heads up.

kinetic Apr. 08 '10

no worries... i knew one of you'd be here sooner or later. This was done on my own–go figure, more than one person having a similar logo. I do not copy logos, so no worries officer.

kinetic Apr. 08 '10

Another difference... MY logo was approved and finalized over a year ago! :-) The link you sent me was a %22Proposed%22 logo.*

mcdseven Apr. 08 '10

well there you go, as said I was only giving you the heads up, and maybe when uploading your logos that are in use you could select the 'In use by client' icon.

kinetic Apr. 11 '10

like I said, no worries


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