
by kassi • Uploaded: Aug. 30 '21


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Description: A scratchboard style logo, made as an experiment.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 1002
Tags: gwiazda sky night scratchboard

Lets Discuss

Samsipiere Jul. 31 '22

Hello Kassi,

Im building a small online business which I will eventually turn into a brick & mortar. I have put together a rough sketch for the concept of the logo, but I need an artist who has the artistic gift of that particular style, who is capable of rendering it into a scalable format. It appears that you have that gift... Now I just need to assess whether I can afford you. I know… Im sure you hear that joke often.
If we exchange email I can attached my rough draft of the logo which i am still in the process of working on. It is an anemone with the all-seeing protective eye. How shall we move forward with the process of establishing a price quote? At your earliest convenience, please let me know what information you require. Much appreciated!


kassi Jul. 31 '22

@Samsipiere Hello, Stephanie! Thank you again, I've already replied on a different platform :)


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