Pirate Girl

by kairevicius • Uploaded: May. 11 '11 - Gallerized: Jul. '11


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Description: Public Relations and strategic marketing/branding firm
As seen on: Buy
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 10473

Lets Discuss

designtofeel May. 11 '11

Great all around. Perhaps a bit more space between mark and type, though.

Sean Heisler May. 11 '11

Very nice, Paul! I am sorry, I was just looking at your work and I have missed some of your recent uploads latey, nice work! Stop sneaking those by me.

action May. 12 '11

@Sam, I will test your suggestion and if it will look better I will update this one. Thanks for your remark :)*@Sean, lol :D I am not trying to hide my good work and it's not a problem that you missed some of my new logos, you are always welcome in my showcase :)*@lumavine, thanks for your comment :)*@contrast8, I am thinking what I would do without you? Really thanks for your help and advices :)

Bernd May. 17 '11

nice logo ... really good

contrast8 Jul. 28 '11

congrats on galery spot Paulius %3B)

action Jul. 29 '11

Wow, thank you very much! And Deividas, without your touch this logo would look little bit worse, thank you for your help!

atomicvibe Jul. 29 '11

ARRRR, she be lookin' good, matey!

pjmaster Aug. 02 '11

Nice touch with lip-heart shape. My only suggestion is to reduce crossed bones.. just a little.

robinssoncravents Jan. 25 '12

I love your work...this logo is lovely


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