by kadepe • Uploaded: May. 26 '08 - Gallerized: May. '08
My final project in University. Making a Logo & the corporate set complete with the promotional item.
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Lets Discuss
I hope you earn the A grade. it's hot stuff
ReplyLooks awesome dude! :D
ReplyHey, you can make a cute one back there. You've got talent in this actually.
Replymuy bien!
ReplyWOW! Impressive! Congrats! :)
ReplyBetter than my final student logo project some 19 years ago....ouch.
ReplyBagus banget mas. Btw, kuliah di mana nih?
Replyhi everyone, thx for the comments. Very supportive. *i got a very fat B actually, so close for A.. xp *i'm from Bina Nusantara Univ. *
Replysalam kenal
ReplyI love it. It makes me happy. Favorited.
ReplyNicely Done! :)
ReplyVery well done.
ReplyEE! good boy )
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