
by jsae • Uploaded: Dec. 08 '08


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Description: kashmir saffron. wanted something elegant yet restrained to reflect the high-end nature of the gourmet indian spice.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8283

Lets Discuss

jimmyjack Dec. 08 '08

i love what youve done with the flower. very elegant. however, my initial reaction was the K itself seems slightly too stark by comparison. *perhaps giving it a little more form would be my only suggestion.*otherwise, i think its great

gyui Dec. 08 '08

i agree with jimmyjack, a softer font maybe would be more appropriate with the safron flower. beautiful job on the flower:)

joder Dec. 08 '08

On the flip side, I like the hard/soft contrast from flower to the K. (The letter form might be a bit to angled? Or big, tall?) I'd try to lose the gradient and knock out a lil more white between the petals, and make sure everything works downsized. Great colors, bravo on the logo.

jsae Dec. 08 '08

thanks for the suggestions everyone, i really appreciate it!*i'll play around with trying to resolve the design more

sbj Jun. 24 '10

really nice.. well done


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