
by jdickey • Uploaded: Oct. 24 '12


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Description: logo to be used for a actual tattoo parlor.
Status: Student work
Viewed: 1043

Lets Discuss

mallen58 Nov. 06 '12

Wow, I am impressed by your design! Flourishes are very impressive. If this was to be used as a vinyl would this be easy to transfer to vinyl? But this would be a very impressive business card.

vision design and graphics Nov. 12 '12

this doesn\'t feel to be your work, more clipart (the design of what mallen58 called the Flourish). You can tell when the computer artwork meets the hand drawn or non digital artwork. Witch makes me wonder if this is even a vector file. One of the rules of logo design is that you logos MUST BE VECTOR. I would like to see the actual file during class. Please come and see me about this logo!

AMart77 Nov. 13 '12

I like the colors of the lettering. Having said that i find it too detailed, it throws me off looking at it. it doesn\'t mean it\'s not a good logo. i just find that there is too much to focus on.


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