by jabs75 • Uploaded: Aug. 22 '07
Logos for a new chain of shops in spanish airports.
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Reminds me of the company I used to work for....
ReplyMaybe this seems too obvious, but have you considered moving the thought bubble over to the left or right to replace the dot on one of the %22i's%22?
ReplyHi sdijock, i tried that and i liked it but the client forced me to center it, thanks for the comments
Replyreminds be a bit too much of ebookers logo. This logo is all about shops in airports and ebookers are all about booking flights??? Maybe just me ****Just beeing picky ...or my monitor - but you may want to do something about the %22g%22 You either need to %22expand%22 the pieces to make a single compound path, or align the pieces - or something. Now it sticks out on the right. %22of Barcelona%22 you want to move down a bit. The %22f%22, and %22B%22 and %22l%22 for that matter, makes it a bit cramped****
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