by j-CAZ • Uploaded: Oct. 30 '09
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Description: Bored at work. Status: Just for fun Viewed: 1858 Share:
sweet !
fun idea...and well done
Thanks padnas. After all, it's only the tip of the iceberg.
I love this! Any way we could see it without the water line?
Thanks Chad. I could try that but I think the water line enforces the all too popular/fun fact that ice bergs are always much larger under the water. I wanted to give it a place to obey its own laws of physics. What do you think?
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sweet !
Replyfun idea...and well done
ReplyThanks padnas. After all, it's only the tip of the iceberg.
ReplyI love this! Any way we could see it without the water line?
ReplyThanks Chad. I could try that but I think the water line enforces the all too popular/fun fact that ice bergs are always much larger under the water. I wanted to give it a place to obey its own laws of physics. What do you think?
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