Monier Inc.

by humanlab • Uploaded: Nov. 25 '10


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Description: A logo design for a power solutions company
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 766

Lets Discuss

dreikelvin Nov. 25 '10

the whole color palette is a bit dark for my taste. but it certainly has a very classy feel and I like the idea with the brush!

MilCaras Nov. 26 '10

Like it so much agree with dreikelvin, just a bit%3B)

humanlab Nov. 26 '10

Thank you for your feed back! Yes I agree it is a bit dark but it prints very nice. The logo is a electrical plug-in btw.

MilCaras Nov. 28 '10

I didn%B4t realize it at first but nice play with the plug and the m, love the colors just was a bit%3B)


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