
by guscocox • Uploaded: Jun. 09 '11


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Description: Yacht Sharing Agent
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3425

Lets Discuss

THEArtistT Jun. 09 '11

I think less would be more here. take the outside light blue swoosh off and move the inside swoosh a little to the left. right now the circle/wave totally overpowers the sail. it actually looks like the boat is about to be swamped, actually. and the kerning is way to tight below. especially the ampersand.

THEArtistT Jun. 09 '11

course that is if your client lets you change it up. it's possible if you raise the sail up over the wave at the top, you may end up with a mobius look rather than a ring. I get the ring is reminiscent of a telescope, but it's just not looking all that 'friendly' right now.

guscocox Jun. 10 '11

Thanks for the comment ArtistT.*This logo was sold for more than a year ago, and the client wanted completely a ring for the his icon, of course, I made other proposals that would also look pretty and better defined. Finally, my idea was also representing the initials %22M%22 (in the wave) and %22F%22 (the sail). This was the more convinced that my buyer and I had to consider.*Greetings.


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