by gunterschobel • Uploaded: Sep. 21 '09
This is another option of the earlier rainbow panda i did, but this time with a handwritten script.
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
I dig this handwritten version...feels like a good match! Again, really interesting mark! I'm loving the style! :)
ReplyThe type is Daniel :-) I have always wanted to use it for something, but still haven't got a chance.
ReplyJej i guess i got there first :p but yeah its a pretty cool type
ReplyDo I see two figures here face to face?
Replyyes and they are playing cards. the guy on the left has his other hand out demanding payment.
ReplyWell thats not what ur supposed to c, but now that u mention it i c it 2!*and the guy on the right is getting pissed off
Reply%5ELogoboom - NO WAY! I totally see that now! Too cool!! :)
ReplyThis is really awesome man.
ReplyThaxs man, glad u like it %3B)
ReplyBrilliant work!! Amazing..
Replylove it. great style.
ReplyThanks again!**and you 2 guys have some pretty great logos as well
ReplyI really like the style %3D) Not fan of the font tho.
Replycouple having a cup of tea :)....anyway love it pal :)
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