Cloud Burst

by gunterschobel • Uploaded: Sep. 15 '09


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Description: As said this was just for fun, but i used half of a cloud i maid and the type is lil shaky so that it kinda simulates the burst
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 2979

Lets Discuss

logoboom Sep. 15 '09

Make the cloud a bit shaky too maybe? I very much like the simplicity of this.

gunterschobel Sep. 16 '09

Thanks 4 the advise.... and 4 linking it :p im kinda new to all these, but ill be uploading some more stuff just for the fun of it!***

birofunk Sep. 16 '09

i like the type treatment. i agree with boom though the cloudy would look better 'shaky' and more organic looking

!mude Sep. 16 '09

This has a nice feel to it. Agree with logoboom and birofunk.


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