Rococo Gardens

by grodasy • Uploaded: Jul. 20 '11 - Gallerized: Jul. '11


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Description: Client was looking for a premium feel for their brand and also wanted to incorporate some of the rococo feel without feeling too dated. This was my answer.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 12413

Lets Discuss

deiv Jul. 20 '11

looks interesting*

JF Jul. 20 '11

Needs more gaudy extravagance, more gold, more saturated colors, more lightness (black is nowhere close to rococo), more pink.

mister jones Jul. 24 '11

Could be an interesting exercise to make something premium with a rococo feel. This has neither though, imo.

jaquy Jul. 27 '11

I really love the design however the colors could be better

sugarplum Feb. 20 '13

Is this logo for sale? I really like it and would like to see my company name on it.


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