The Party Pom

by grabbdesigns • Uploaded: Jan. 06 '09


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Description: Event planners
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Viewed: 2796

Lets Discuss

firebrand Jan. 06 '09

Interesting style but I'd strengthen the small details a tad. Could the tail be more of a perfect swirl without the lump at the bottom?

grabbdesigns Jan. 06 '09

good eye fire brand! logo is updated

grabbdesigns Jan. 07 '09

just in case no one gets it (as you may not unless you know alot about dogs) if a dog is 2 colored it is called a party pattern/marking - so this is a black and white party Pomeranian - inspired by my sisters dog

ElleRae Feb. 07 '09

I think it works beautifully - the legs may get lost if the logo is reduced but the body and negative space usage is fantastic.


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