Bonitas: Inspired Wedding Cake Toppers

by grabbdesigns • Uploaded: Dec. 29 '08


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Description: This is a logo concept I did for a client years ago, she wanted a dove for some reason... just thought I would get some thoughts and opinions on this.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3009

Lets Discuss

LoGoBoom Dec. 29 '08

Very nice illustration. The line weight on the dove is fairly consistent while the typo has greater variance from thick to thin. I think the line quality should be more similar. Then I'd play a bit with scale and layout. And I'd just say NO to University Roman on the tag line and choose a simpler font there. Looking good.

grabbdesigns Dec. 30 '08

LOL @ logoboom, yeah i totally agree with you! When I say this is old, I mean it's old! I did this while interning still in school. Lord knows where the original file is, on a disc somewhere at home - but I appreciate the feedback, just thought I'd throw it up here for fun!

LoGoBoom Dec. 30 '08

Well it's got a nice feel to it.

grabbdesigns Dec. 30 '08

thanks, I may see what I can do with it some time based on your opinion!


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