by gorz • Uploaded: Apr. 02 '08 - Gallerized: Apr. '08
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Description: Logo for froristika Status: Nothing set Viewed: 12597 Share:
thnx a lot 8-)
The mark is fantastic.
Nice addition to the gallery
thnx guys for your comments %3B)
Nice illustrative mark.
Fantastic! Wouldn't have used this font for a florist myself but you have pulled it off superbly.
ух-тDB, CAаCAие зCDаCACECCDBе зCDаCAи! )) суCFре, CCCECBCEдец
super, klevie znachki!
CACBассCDа ) вCEт тCECAабDB шрифт %22фCBCEристиCAа%22 CFCEтCEбратDC бCECBее теCCатичCDее тада бDB CEфигеCDCDа вCEбще бDB CBCEбDB %3B)
klassna) vot tolko bi shrift %22floristika%22 podobrat' tematichnee tada voobshe ofigenna bilobi %3B)
wow! nice one..
Beautiful! This is really nice.
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Replythnx a lot 8-)
ReplyG R E A T
ReplyThe mark is fantastic.
ReplyNice addition to the gallery
Replythnx guys for your comments %3B)
ReplyNice illustrative mark.
ReplyFantastic! Wouldn't have used this font for a florist myself but you have pulled it off superbly.
Replyух-тDB, CAаCAие зCDаCACECCDBе зCDаCAи! )) суCFре, CCCECBCEдец
Replysuper, klevie znachki!
ReplyCACBассCDа ) вCEт тCECAабDB шрифт %22фCBCEристиCAа%22 CFCEтCEбратDC бCECBее теCCатичCDее тада бDB CEфигеCDCDа вCEбще бDB CBCEбDB %3B)
Replyklassna) vot tolko bi shrift %22floristika%22 podobrat' tematichnee tada voobshe ofigenna bilobi %3B)
Replywow! nice one..
ReplyBeautiful! This is really nice.
ReplyPlease login/signup to make a comment, registration is easy