by gerasidi • Uploaded: May. 13 '07 - Gallerized: May. '07
Logo proposal for the I-Bought-A-Mac web site logo contest.
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Lets Discuss
i read IBJAM
ReplyI read the same thing. Nice mark though!
ReplyI read iBLAM - the thought can still work just needs some tweekage.
ReplyI think the umbrella handle needs to go. There is too much going here with trying to tie it to the %22i%22.%0D*%0D*I do like the idea of the umbrella/half an apple design with the letters being safely tucked under it.%0D*%0D*I think it could work without the handle just fine.
Replynice ... can see the confusion, how would it look if you broke the handle from the umbrella top via a small gap ?
Replyactually i take that back :) ibam not ibjam ... my bad
ReplyYeah, the handle is an issue. I initially read %22B Jam%22 ...until I realized its for Mac users, then I looked for an %22i%22 and then thought... is it %22iBjam%22 or %22iBam%22 ... maybe make the handle do soemthing else? or make it a straight handle?
Replyit's quite cute,but i don't know why using umberlla
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