by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Feb. 10 '10
had to at least try a film logo. its probably already been done. but i'm weeks late from everyone else's film concepts.
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Ha Mike, Boy Start up film companies would have a ball on this site. I like the concept. perhaps you could slightly flare it with a little perspective and get that real iceberg feeling? know what I mean like give it a little twist. reflection would not even be needed.
ReplyThis is nicely executed, but this is not an ICEberg... the one that's made of _ice_ and has 10%25 of its volume sticking out the water.
Reply%22ice cube%22 then?
Replywell, no. for the same reason - ice floats almost fully submerged.
Replysub zero?
ReplyRegardless of the actually science, this still rocks!
Replythanx for the comments and the chilling debate n the iceberg. :)**mike I'll give your suggestion a try on giving the iceberg some more life and prespective. thanks.*i'll re-float when i have the changes. (that was a said iceberg joke.)
Reply%5E( sad iceberg joke!)
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