Blink Chocolate

by michaelspitz • Uploaded: Aug. 07 '09


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Description: Unused exploration.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 11,068

Lets Discuss

michaelspitz Sep. 03 '09

@etherael - Ha! Right?! %3B) ... :) Thanks very much for the comment! Cheers!

mister jones Sep. 03 '09

How does this exudes luxury?

cerise Sep. 03 '09

I love everything except the chocolate lettering, but as with Mister Jones I'm also not convinced of the luxury connotation. Looks kinda retro I guess.

michaelspitz Sep. 04 '09

Alright...Alright... %3B) I've made some minor edits appease the masses... :)*@mister jones - I do appreciate your comment, however you haven't said much about the actual work vs. the copy... In a way I kind of agree with you guys on the Luxury point if you're talking modern day Teuscher and Godiva etc. However, drawing significant inspiration from vintage food branding %26 adverts of early 1900s...for that period, and the 'feel' I'm trying to convey with this brand, I believe the 'so called luxury' aspect in fact holds true... As for the 'retro' description, I suppose we could go with 'vintage' instead, though there's probably a touch of retro in there as well. %3B)*@cerise - Thanks for the comment! The 'Chocolate' lettering was switched around a few times during development, but I think I've settled on this version for the time being... It's still a potential work in progress though so there's always room for improvement!*Thanks again to both of you for stopping by!

mister jones Sep. 04 '09

mmmm... Godiva :)*thanks for replying, I was just wondering how you saw this.*My main comment on this logo would be the integration of %22chocolate%22, doesn't really work for me, it kind of overpowers the other elements. I do like the typography of %22blink%22. I'd settle for a more-is-less approach here.

michaelspitz Sep. 04 '09

@mister jones - I definitely get what you're saying with the 'less-is-more' thing %3B) Maybe when I have a minute, I can post up a couple variations and you can give me your thoughts :) Appreciate the follow up!

mcdseven Feb. 17 '10

hey would love to see blink on its own, great piece of typography

michaelspitz Feb. 17 '10

@mcdseven - Thanks a lot Paul!*%5EOf course, that can easily be arranged... %3B)

michaelspitz Jun. 19 '10

@%E7ocuk oyunlari - Thanks a lot! Much appreciated!


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