
by downwithdesign • Uploaded: Jan. 16 '09


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Description: Plumbing company. Spanner/wrench heads coming togethert to form a T standing for teamwork and Techton.
As seen on: Down With Design
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4564

Lets Discuss

gyui Jan. 16 '09

i don't know if it's obvious enough that they are wrench heads. i assume you probably already tried a %22T%22 pipe?

itsgareth Jan. 16 '09

@gyui: I'm not sure it neccessarily needs to be obvious?

lundeja Jan. 16 '09

I really like it the way it is. I'm all about simplicity and I think even if some people don't notice that they are wrench heads it is still a logo that will stick in the mind.**Nice work.

gyui Jan. 16 '09

%22obvious%22 wasn't quite the word i meant to use, it just initially they looked like sound waves emanating from the %22T%22 :P

epsilon Jan. 16 '09

I agree with gyui - wrench heads require quite a bit of imagination to be recognized as such. I'd try and style them a bit more, perhaps changing left and right heads to those of monkey wrench (or even to full monkey wrenches that are sort of holding negative T by its cap)

itsgareth Jan. 16 '09

@gyui, epsilon: I agree, I'm working on a more familiar shape.%0D*%0D*@Robert: haha, I think I'll take that as a compliment..

itsgareth Jan. 17 '09

Updated. Is this workng a bit better?

nido Jan. 17 '09

to be fair i didnt see the original.. so.. but this i instantly saw wrench heads.. %26 the T.. nice gareth!

OcularInk Jan. 17 '09

Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing as nido. Clever concept, Gareth!

firebrand Jan. 17 '09

Gareth, I agree with lundeja. The original left more to the imagination. Sorry :)

penflare Jan. 17 '09

I like this alot gareth, great job mate

Kode Jan. 17 '09

Nicely done bro, I think the mark is very memorable!

logomotive Jan. 17 '09

Yeah, I prefer this one, but see others points both are good.

epsilon Jan. 17 '09

Cool. **Have you looked at converting C in the name to the wrench head ? Perhaps even extending it to borrow E's middle plank as a handle ?

itsgareth Jan. 17 '09

Thanks guys%0D*%0D*This one is my preference also now.%0D*%0D*I have another version with different type that looks similar to the style of the wrenches but feel this one works better as the type is similar to the style of the negative space T.

satansgoalie Jan. 18 '09

awesome! i love this one.

oscuro360 Apr. 09 '09

I noticed they were wrench heads right away... clever... nice...

muse7 Jul. 14 '09

I got it right away even at a small size and the T really stood out as well.*Perhaps my brain is wired to notice the negative space, at any rate. I like it.

pierro Apr. 03 '10

I love. Great work.

mcdseven Jan. 20 '11

very nice work here and perfect harmony with the type. well done.


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