by Areadesign • Uploaded: Nov. 26 '07 - Gallerized: Nov. '07


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Description: Logo for a sound studio (engineering).
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 16676

Lets Discuss

admarcbart Nov. 26 '07

Seems to be a tad bland and not very creative for a audio company. Have you tried any other approaches?

itsgareth Nov. 28 '07

Any chance of uploading this as a PNG as it currently looks awful on the home page.

Areadesign Nov. 28 '07

itsgareth: I did, thanks.****

ahab Nov. 28 '07

I like this...pretty clever.

itsgareth Nov. 28 '07

Yeah looks better now %3B)%0D*%0D*I think the only thing that lets this down are the sharp edges on the a and e. It reduces the realism that the cable makes the letterforms as a real audio cable would not be able to bend at that angle.

Areadesign Nov. 28 '07

Dear Gareth, the first impression is that you're right but after reflection (I had when doing this job), the sharp edges reduces the realism but increases the style! **and all is about style, Gareth :)

ryantoyota Nov. 29 '07

I think this is awesome. The sharp edges also match the font better, which I think is a perfect choice. Great logo.


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