Frohmiller Photography Logo

by DesignPhase • Uploaded: Nov. 13 '07


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Description: Logo for a photographer using his company initials. I enjoyed and took advantage of the accidental serrif that was created by the upper right side of the “P” eating into the “F's” upper right section....that's why I mimicked the found serrif on the upper left side of the “F”. This ID system will ultilize the two muted ink colors on a natural-colored, fibrous paper.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8786

Lets Discuss

designphase Nov. 13 '07

I'm looking for a suggestion on a possible body copy font that would match well with the accidental seriff on the knee-jerk idea was Clarendon...let me know your font ideas...the phone numbers, address line, etc. will use it. Regards, Larry

OcularInk Nov. 13 '07

Clever solution. It would be nice to see the 'F' in 'FROHMILLER' customized to match the 'F' in the icon. Maybe simply adding the serif would look good. Also, in my opinion, it might look better if the colors swap. This way the icon isn't so 'in your face' allowing the wordmark to stand out a little more. These are all just nit-picky comments. This looks great as is!! :-)

admarcbart Nov. 13 '07

Larry, I think clarendon would be a nice suiter. Or possibly Lublain Graph (SP?)

ryantoyota Nov. 13 '07

That's great. I love the accidental serif as well, although I find the bottom left of the F very odd... there's no other curved corners on the font and it seems out of place. I think it would look better to reflect that serif down there as well.

DesignPhase Nov. 13 '07

Thanks everyone for the comments! Good stuff! If anyone else has font suggestions for the body copy...address lines, phones, etc...just let me know.

DesignPhase Nov. 13 '07

Hi ryantoyota...the bottom of the F is actually reflecting the inside shapes of the P...I tried the serrif there at one just seemed like too many too much water in Koolaid...just didn't taste right...or seem unique enough...that's why I landed where I did. Thanks for the comments.

rambal Nov. 14 '07

nice mark. I like it.

msaqib_301 Oct. 30 '10

It would be nice to see the 'F' in 'FROHMILLER' customized to match the 'F' in the icon. Maybe simply adding the serif would look good. Also, *regards**%3Ca href%3D%22 internet%3C/a%3E*

msaqib_301 Oct. 30 '10

It would be nice to see the 'F' in 'FROHMILLER' customized to match the 'F' in the icon. Maybe simply adding the serif would look good. Also, *regards**%3Ca href%3D%22 internet%3C/a%3E****


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