by firebrand • Uploaded: Jul. 15 '07 - Gallerized: Jul. '07
The UK's largest two day agricultural show. In collaboration with CarlDurban
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Lets Discuss
Replyawsome... love the way it tails of into birds... %26 the font is perfect...
ReplyCheers Nido. Did you see the tractor tyre?
ReplyThis is awesome. Wheat, Tires, Corn and Birds. This is a brand!!!!!
ReplyThanks admarcbart! I appreciate it.
ReplyHOLY COW! thats a very impressive logo, exclellent work Firebrand.
ReplyThanks everyone :)
ReplyI see this about all the time in June, living in Norfolk. But never really looked at the logo that closely. Now i see it for it's true glory.**Stunning mate.
Replygreat work firebrand... everything seems to be perfect... a 10 on 10 here!
ReplyThanks fraenacreative and vishalv.
Replynice morphing!
ReplyVery nice, Roy.
Reply@Ocularink%3B cheers mate.*@ photosnaper%3B thanks
Replyno dude.. i hadnt noticed that till you mentioned it.. then i fell off my chair.. awsome mate!
ReplyThanks nido. Where's your showcase mate?
ReplyThis is one of the GREATEST marks I have ever seen. I'm so jealous and wish I had designed it. You must be so proud of this one Roy.%0D*Respect!
ReplyWTF, only 6 votes. People whats wrong with you? HELLO! why would someone even vote down on this one I don't get it.
ReplyWow thanks Mike, that's very kind mate. I think I hit the sink icon by mistake. How can you tell if someone's voted down?
ReplyWow Roy!This is one of the best logos on here.
ReplyThanks Fabian - very flattering mate.
Replyeasy fabian.. wagwan.. dont think you can tell who's voted it down... shame though.. this belongs in the 'top 20 members favorite' slot thingy... for real
Replyvoting this down would be madness!
Reply@ nido : I think you can tell - but what the hell, as long as we get comments from the people that matter eh?
Replytrue that
ReplyMuey Bien! Amigo :-)
ReplyCheers Miguel!
Replythis is a romantic and strong mark...i love it!
ReplyThanks dado!
ReplyAnother %22great logo%22 comment here!
ReplyAn excellent logo. I actually make all their radio adverts so we are kind of related sort of...**...well perhaps not.**Great logo though.**Best wishes,**Mark**
ReplyRoy, just base it on the merits of the voters and the voters comments. That speaks volumes. Your creative mind and work also speaks for itself. Enough said.
Replyyep, prestigious! I %22missed%22 the corn, and still got the WOW factors
Reply@Mike: Thanks. Top guy as always.
Reply@dikkers: Thank you, mate. I appreciate it.
ReplyFantastical! This is really spectacular.**Oh, and about the sink/swim. You can tell by clicking on %22Swimmers%22 and counting the number of people who have voted, then compare that to the swim rating. You can then deduct how many voted down. You can't figure out who voted what though.
Reply%5EApparently I made that comment mere seconds before David changed the site so that you can see who voted up and down.
ReplyThanks Ryan. All clear now Climax introduced this new two tier voting thingy %3B)
ReplyUgh. I thought he changed it a couple of weeks ago?
ReplyWith regards to the voting on this logo, I wonder if it was hasty voting and some of the voters didn't take the time to check out the detail in the whole logo. That seems like a lot of negative votes for such a sweet mark.
ReplyI think you hit the nail on the head there Ryan.
Replyalso just noticed that firebrand himself, sunk this logo o_O
ReplyI did indeed. My aim wasn't good that day.
ReplyRoy, did you enter this in the LP contest? This one is so great because it conveys so much in so little. Look closer people this one deserves to be a TOP DOG IMO.
ReplyAgree... Very strong mark! Great job!
ReplyYou like this one don't you Mike %3B) *Thanks again fellas.
ReplyThis is hot, love the morph
ReplyThis blew my mind. Seriously.
ReplyThis is absolutely Brilliant, Roy. Congrats!
ReplyI swear i floated this years ago...
Replycerise, micah, josiah and bojan. Cheers guys.
ReplyStill one of my favs. BUMP
Reply%5E agreed
Reply^ They just don't Get it do they Gareth?
ReplyExcuse my French but, saint enfer! C'est le meilleur logo que j'ai jamais vu.
Replymoi aussi
ReplyRealmente es increible
ReplyThought my 'ears' were burning.
ReplyMerci beaucoup!
Vous �tes les bienvenus. :)
ReplyMy mom lives in Norfolk! Good logo btw :)
ReplyFunny you should post that Mike. I saw on their twitter yesterday that the logo has been redesigned. Oh well it had a good run and was starting to look a little tired tbh.
ReplyHaving said that, the new one looks like a bakery! :(
ReplyWhat new one? I visited the link and, to me, it appears to be the same thing.
ReplyThe website's not updated yet but it's on twitter and bookface. ;)
ReplyI like to see logos in use, GREAT logo, I just hope it was a GREAT pay :)
ReplyThey always ruin the good ones Roy.
ReplyTBH & IMHO, this looks as fresh as the day it was born.
ReplyCheers chaps!
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