by faleisa • Uploaded: Dec. 26 '11 - Gallerized: Jan. '12


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Description: Travel Agency
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 6875

Lets Discuss

StartSomething Jan. 18 '12

Surprised not more is said about this logo... I really like the overall style - especially the way the paper airplane is depicted. Is there a particular reason that a paper plane was used and not a real plane or other image? Does the paper plane represent something to do with a travel agency? The way the type is used bothers me a little... 3 different sizes, 2 colours and 2 styles. Maybe the word %22Travel%22 should be the same pt size as %22Alshamel%22 and %22International%22 should be yellow?*Other than that, like I said the overall aesthetic is very nice.


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