by entz • Uploaded: Mar. 02 '08 - Gallerized: Mar. '08
Logo for Majectic Design Group, a marketing & design firm. The idea was to use a shield (chevalry) to portray the majestic part. The sheild icon is in the form of an M.
Client work
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This is a cool concept. Do you mind if I make one minor comment in regards to the mark?
ReplyNice layout, colors and mark. Mark might look good a tad larger even. (I'm not as polite as Ocular) Good job.
Replysure ocularink.. just shoot. Thanks gthobbs, i'll give that a try.
ReplyCool. Do you see the blue horizontal line towards to the top of the shield? It has sort of an arc to it. This line/negative space is what's bothering me about your mark. Because of it, the mark resembles more of the letter 'T'. If you remove that part and make those two vertical lines slightly heavier in weight, I think the letter 'M' will be more apparent. Does that make sense?
ReplyI second Oc's suggestion - it reads more like a T the way it is just now.
Replygood point doc oc...could also make the bottom contour of the green drop down a little to a point in the middle. Would give the white bars and M contour on top. Excellent point.
ReplyThanks Ocularink and gang. I see what you mean and it does make sense. But the client already choose another design. Maybe it was because of the T issue. So, thanks again for pointing that out. I may give this another shot :)
ReplyI was just browsing and noticed the logo. I like the colors, weight and balance of the typography. But maybe the issue your client was having with the mark was that they thought is was a pair of whitey tighties? Maybe it would have been easy enough to remove the green band across the top and it would have solved the T issue as well?
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