Solangel Properties

by downwithdesign • Uploaded: Nov. 15 '08 - Gallerized: Nov. '08


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Description: Solangel Properties is a new organistaion formed in the UK which offers help, guidance and support to British citizens seeking to start a new life in Spain. The mark references the decision to fly away to the sun but rather than illustrating a bird in flight, I have chosen to show the bird in a content and settled position as the aim of the company is to make Spain feel like home. The mark also forms an S and P.
As seen on: Down With Design
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7147

Lets Discuss

Type08 Nov. 15 '08

Very nice, Gareth!

mavric Nov. 15 '08

Truly nice work,*but am wondering though, shouldn't the word %22property%22 be there in the composition? because you said that the mark forms an S %26 a %22P%22. I think the*justification will be stronger if the word property was there. just wondering :)**but other than that, I love it, good job.**CHEERS

itsgareth Nov. 15 '08

Mavric, excellent question and just for you I will show the version with the word properties included, even though I prefer the one without. It's growing on me though. Thanks for the praise.

Kwaku Nov. 15 '08

best logotype for a long long time on logopond. congratz !

nido Nov. 15 '08

i have to say gareth.. (can i call you 'its'?)... your work of late is really impressive!... execution, composition, presentation are all spot on. Keep the line tight friend.

itsgareth Nov. 15 '08

Sure man, call me it's for short if you like. Thanks for the compliment dude, it's been a hectic couple of weeks to say the least. Have you finished writing your Christmas list yet?

nido Nov. 15 '08

haha.. no not yet.. its hard work that list!.. im easily distracted me!

itsgareth Nov. 15 '08

outsource it to some elves!

mavric Nov. 15 '08

Yeah I can see why you removed the %22property%22 hehehe :)*I think I like it better without it now :)**Truly nice work dude*one of the best out there**CHEERS

itsgareth Nov. 17 '08

Thanks logotivity %26 mavric, I think I'll leave this version up here %3B)


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