International BP3M Society

by diego153 • Uploaded: Aug. 21 '10


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Description: Low budget identity re-design for the International BP3M Society, focusing on international business skill training through the web.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1349

Lets Discuss

engar Aug. 21 '10

Is there a meaning behind the mark? Would you share it?**Regards.

diego153 Aug. 21 '10

Well, BP3M is a complicated acronym that my client came up with...stands for Business Process, Project and Performance (aka 3 p's) and the M i think is Management. He allowed us to represent only the P3 idea though the logo, but he insisted that we kept the name as BP3M. **The blue logo (blue is a corporate colour, and this slightly altered cyan is a bit playful too) is an abstract P, and the 3 lines represent the 3.

engar Aug. 21 '10

I like it, I would work on the type tho and I would look for a way to make the P more recognizeable (Perhaps, rounding the upper-right corner of the square?). **But I like how it's going so far. Regards!

diego153 Aug. 22 '10

I agree and i like the idea of the curve. I am going to work on it. It will make it look for dynamic.


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