by deree • Uploaded: May. 20 '11 - Gallerized: May. '11
Archi - Architecture photography.
The camera represents an old ancient column.
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
BOOOOOOOOOM! Amazing concept, well done!!! Try just for the fun of it, I think that the sans serif tag line would sit here like a glove, further balancing the bridge between the retro and modern.
ReplyDamn! Thank you.
Replycongrats .... 100 points this time to Lithuania ... !!!! great show Mr. Norway ...
ReplySveikinu su pirmu darbu galerijoj :) Nice work!
ReplyAciu aciu labai pradziugino :)*Thanks mate!
Replykudos! beautiful idea!
Replycrazy great illustration. why the heck is that type so big?!
Replyfantastic concept here, typography needs a lot of work in my opinion. The space between the A-R is too wide, typography could be a lot smaller to give the great mark more attention
Replywonderful concept
ReplyWhat a Beauty concept
ReplyOooo, seni, sveikinu!
ReplyAlready in Gallery, congrats!
Replythank you mates!*aciu leo!
ReplyI agree, the type just a little smaller and the column capital a little bigger. Also I will suggest a little more ancient greek looking font to maintain the coherence with the Ionic memento
ReplyNice work! I'm with Type08: Make the tag a sans. Fairly small, but semibold or medium so it remains readable.
ReplyThank you!*Yes, at first I was thinking about making the tag in Sans...
Replymark is amazing, but agree with others, need more work with type. nice work Irmantas %3B)
Replyawesome mark!
ReplyExcellent concept! Deserves much more attention IMO.
Replygreat concept! I also think the type could be smaller.
ReplyKick ass idea bro!
Replylove the concept too, agree about the type
ReplyWhen I finally saw it I said: HOW GENIOUS!!
ReplyWell done
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