DG monogram

by deiv • Uploaded: May. 14 '12


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Description: Few months ago i started on my new personal mark. It was a big research of something similar and i didn't find any similarities... one person who helped with it (half a year ago) was All4leo. Thanks to him. Big hi5, bro. Now just posting it...
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7428
Tags: Deividas monogram mark personal

Lets Discuss

matto May. 14 '12

Great mark, Deividas. This one looks more solid and serious, though I'm used to your previous logo :) And cheers to All4leo, he's a good guy!

Type and Signs May. 14 '12

it's really great deiv !

ALL4LEO May. 14 '12

:D Nice discovery, Deiv :D

Rokac May. 14 '12

Well done Deiv, love it:)

ALL4LEO May. 15 '12

And that about logo, I am very happy to see this work, finally you have found perfect proportions and perfect color scheme for this one. I welcome you with your new personal style and wish you the best customers in this world!


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