Union Skate Park

by ddrecreative • Uploaded: May. 31 '09


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Description: Logo for a skate park.
As seen on: logolounge.com
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2234

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Jun. 01 '09

Clever idea. I think the execution could be improved though. Perhaps the U can look more like a half-pipe instead of just hinting at it. It would still read as the letter U and might have more of a skateboarder appeal.

cerise Jun. 01 '09

%5Eagreed nice, but a more rounded skateable U

Tømme Jun. 01 '09

to be frankly honest, i kinda love this just because its sort of surreal :), but one thing is for sure, the mark itself is oversized in contrast with the logoname. Well at least it made me laugh and thats what skateboarding is all about %3B-)

sdijock Jun. 01 '09

Great concept. I'm kind of torn between making it look more like a real half-pipe or not. I think I'm leaning towards not though. Like Tomme pointed out, I like the surreal aspect of using an actual %22U%22.

thedeeman Jun. 07 '09

ouch! wouldn't like to be skating down that!

ddrecreative Sep. 16 '09

Yes, good comments! In my version creation process I had more rounded typefaces used, but the client insisted upon the specific typeface. This was because it is called %22City%22. Definitely not ideal for actual skaters to use the ramp. Got in a book with it in this version, which made me more comfortable with the outcome. Thanks for the feedback!


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