by dbunk • Uploaded: Feb. 25 '10
The contours of a rooster is formed between Y and L
Client work
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this looks fun :)
ReplyVery fun. Circle eye. Try a different shape only for eye....see what happen!!
ReplyThe mark designed for a poultry business. The contours of a Rooster is formed between y %26 l and ofcourse i forms the eye.
ReplyQuite nice dbunk but the kerning's a bit off if you don't mind me saying.
ReplyAbsolutely welcome critics.. Roy, u mean to say that it requires to be tighter ??
ReplyYea its bout the rounded letters. Was just curious if designers deal with kerning manually %5Bie:visually convincing%5D or is there a software for this too?
ReplyWas guessin so.. calculations and grids dont help in achieving the right %5Bvisually comfortable%5D spacing
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