Pixel Factory

by dannyfranklin • Uploaded: Sep. 06 '10


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Description: Software Engineers
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 1325

Lets Discuss

JoePrince Sep. 06 '10

I think it would be more appropriate if the mark was made up of only squares (signifying pixels) and no slanted angles.

dannyfranklin Sep. 06 '10

Thanks for the input. I like the focus on the one pixel. I have another where the ROBOT ARM is carrying six pixels which allows for more color. I messed around with the all pixel technique and it gets old to me. This has probably been done so I'm just hoping maybe not.

charcoal Apr. 29 '11

I like this idea – looks like a Vernier caliperȀE measuring the pixel.

charcoal Apr. 29 '11

I like this idea. It looks like a Vernier caliper measuring the pixel.


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