by daleharris • Uploaded: Dec. 10 '07 - Gallerized: Apr. '08
concept for a film/tv production company.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
Ha! That's awesome!!
ReplyDale this freaking rocks man!! Nice concept.
Replyyeah, the linework is poxy, but i liked the concept enough to post it.
ReplyThis is kool. or hot! But somehow I think you can do abit more with the type Dale.
Replyyeah i could chanpion, though the company in question is looking to go with a completely different name so i have shelved this concept.
ReplyThat's one hot dawg, Dale.
ReplyDale I think this could be a LL5 submission! %3B)
ReplyI agree that the type needs some word and when it gets a good colour treatment I think it'll be a great little logo. I can see the logo maybe offending some over protective animal lovers but as a concept it's pretty cool. If they don't go for it maybe you can sell it to an authentic Thai Restaurant! Poor little doggy! %3B)
ReplyGreat! I love this kind of logos! :D
ReplyFAV. Float!
ReplyPoor little guy got into the Mexican food again. :)
Replyreally nice! great concept, great style. love it
ReplyThat dog has some serious belly-fire going on.
ReplyComing back for another look. Brilliant.
Replythanks guys!*
Replyshit!! this is great one! :), here where i live there's %22hot dogs%22 called %22chilidogos%22 XD jeje
ReplyLove this concept. Well done. (er, no pun intended there...)
Replygood one :) poor dog :D
ReplyI have just found out that this logo is gonna be in Logolounge V.
ReplyCongrats Dale!
ReplyCongrats bud. See you there.
ReplyHeh, Dale, it looks like you covered the %22Dog%22 section of this year's edition :) Cheers!
ReplyHeh, that's just what I was thinking Logoholik.. :)
ReplyCongrats on all the Logolounge success, Dale. Keep up the great work!!
ReplyI hate it when my ass is on fire too.
ReplyNice balance. Love the style. Would maybe like to see the tufts on his tummy be a bit more noticeable, make him look a bit more ruffled maybe, but staying within the nice style you've got here.
ReplyFeatured now (among others) on Creativity Den
ReplyDale, have you seen this?
Reply%5EI new i saw that logo. Couldn%60t find it few months ago.*Another rip -
ReplyWow! What a blatant rip of your logo. Unreal.
ReplyWow...they need a hot poker up the ***
ReplyBastards, so far I think this is my most ripped logo, three times that I know of now..
Reply%5E That is sad, and the worst part is that if you have spotted it three times then it has probably been ripped of a hundred times that you don't know of. sad sad sad.
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