Don Ciuchete

by cresk • Uploaded: Dec. 24 '11 - Gallerized: Jan. '12


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Description: I was asked and commissioned by creative brand design director Don Ciuchete to develop his personal logo. The double-headed paun turned out to be in perfect synch with his family heritage, which was one of the important objectives during pre-design stage.
As seen on: cresk
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6966

Lets Discuss

cresk Dec. 24 '11

Glad you like it bud. Have a nice one on me, Merry Christmas %26 a Great 2012!

lumavine Dec. 28 '11

I saw the heads as frog hands, like a flying frog doing a superman move. Maybe make the heads a bit bigger and give them eyes? Or maybe remove the bulge between them? Looks good either way.

cresk Jan. 02 '12

Thanks guys, happy new year!**Lumavine: Thanks. This logo is final. After a number of iterations we decided to strip the details and stick to the bare essentials. This is what the client ultimately wanted and we love it.

rudy hurtado Jan. 02 '12

Happy New Year Gert, I like it too.

Mikeymike Jan. 02 '12

nice to see this one in the gallery. You know how I feel about this. :)*atta boy, Gert. welcome to 2012!

valbo Jan. 06 '12

strong.. very nice

cnasshan Jan. 07 '12

This is an effective mark.


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