
by cream5 • Uploaded: Jul. 24 '12


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Description: This was done purely as an exercise in negative space concepts and for fun. I pick a random word and I try to do a negative space concept. E and F are in negative space between the man who is in midair. Update: Did Another variation without the vertical strokes as suggested.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 8427
Tags: floating float levitate

Lets Discuss

Type and Signs Jul. 24 '12

this is vey nice ... great concept ... imo it works better without these
vertical lines ... because you already sa FALL ... and I can see the guy is falling ... I think that's definitely enough to tell the story ...

nydesign Jul. 25 '12

thanks TAS and oscar.
TAS: I wanted to show some motion which is why I added the lines but as per your advice, i uploaded a variation without the vertical strokes.

thanks again for the critiques!


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