by conair • Uploaded: Feb. 05 '08
Hi Guys this is just my thoughts
Nothing set
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%22Clip art%22:**How about creating something original?
ReplyI agree. As a logo designer, using stock imagery should never be an option.
ReplyI agree with Climax designs, any body else want to give comments to this...**
ReplyDingbats are copyright of the typeface/dingbat designer and therefore can not be used as a trademark.
ReplyI think it's more a case of professional conduct%3B If Dache never pointed it out, would you have admitted to it? You could've placed a disclaimer in the description...**In regards to David's comments about using type, he does make a fair point%3B in a logo design situation I've almost always customized the type (on several occasions , designed the type myself) is that wasting the typographers time? No, their work is done, I'm just touching it up for my own aesthetics.**Is using stock images wrong%3B no, but wouldn't you feel more accomplished if you did it yourself?
ReplyOK guys, Thanks for ur comments regarding this, and ill make sure ill use it....**Thanks
ReplyMake the stock image your own. Like Hayes said about tweaking typography. Depending on time constraints, I'll find clipart that is close to what I need then adjust to fit my vision to save time. More often than not, I draw from scratch, but it is not always the right option. I have been going through this site logo by logo, starting from the beginning, hoping to see a good dragon logo. So far no go. But the obvious this here is to flip the dragon horizontally so it at least forms an S. What is the rule on changing art? 85%25 different and it is considered new? I forget. Does someone here know?
Reply85%25 new why would you go through all that effort? just design your own?
ReplyNot every designer can draw, dontcha know. I personally think they should be able to, but it is, sadly, not a requirement in the field.
ReplyNo Comment! I give up.
ReplyNot all designers can draw as most (these days) are pretenders to the throne working from their bedrooms on pirate adobe/corel software.%0D*
ReplyAll semantics. My question would be...did he present it to the client as original art or as clip art? That's the only issue for me.**And the same disclosure would need made for a posting of ones work for it's artistic/design consideration.**Disclosure is the issue.
ReplyI am always changing up fonts for logos, but have never pretended to have created one (maybe some day). I also include all fonts, changed up or not, in the logo guide that goes with any logo I design. I have also used existing clipart to save time. I don't see any reason to redraw the earth, for example, every time I need a globe. But then I would never tell anyone I drew something I did not.
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