by cleber • Uploaded: Jan. 29 '16
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Description: .. Status: Just for fun Viewed: 1802 Tags: blue • sos Share:
SOS and a drowning person? Haha nice!
a person asking for help. :)
if the sos is needs help you know you in trouble :D
Haha. well done
It's been done before with "lol", so this is not new by any means. But at least "sos" makes more sense for the occasion.
Haha @EvolveRed you're right, it's hard to laugh seeing the other people drowning, isn't? ;) Thanks @jayp
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Lets Discuss
SOS and a drowning person? Haha nice!
Replya person asking for help. :)
Replyif the sos is needs help you know you in trouble :D
ReplyHaha. well done
ReplyIt's been done before with "lol", so this is not new by any means. But at least "sos" makes more sense for the occasion.
ReplyHaha @EvolveRed you're right, it's hard to laugh seeing the other people drowning, isn't? ;)
ReplyThanks @jayp
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