Active Civil

by chek • Uploaded: Oct. 24 '08


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Description: I've designed this logo for the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union. They are lawers in a non-profit union. 'Active Civil' grop wanted to help in questions like: freedom of information, data protection etc. Also they help us to exercise our rights. Thats why i choosed a molotov cocktail with a flower, it could symbolize they services. With them our problem could spread, and be well-known, like the fire from the bottle, in a good sense.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2539

Lets Discuss

andreaderuggieri Oct. 24 '08

i like it but there is somenthing that doesn't work in the kerning

OcularInk Oct. 24 '08

I'm not sure the logo quite matches the description in what the logo should evoke, but it's a very nice design. :-)


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