Liquid Trendz

by chappy • Uploaded: Apr. 16 '07


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Description: Clothing and shoe company that insisted on spelling trends with a Z. grrrr!
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2043

Lets Discuss

captain_laredo Apr. 16 '07

I like the design, if the font will be taller once implemented. (these templates DO have limitations.)**However, if that's 100%25, it's a little hard to read, IMO. As a web designer, I wouldn't consider that accessible.

chappy Apr. 16 '07

It's very shrunk down for the template that we are required to use. It's just really long. But good point (for this situation) :)

chappy Apr. 16 '07*%0D*I don't think it looks too bad small. %0D*%0D*He changed the color on me but what can you do ? :)

captain_laredo Apr. 16 '07

Yeah...but he reduced the highlight which made the silver part easier to read. I like it both ways. He probably changed it to fit the color scheme of the website. **Question: Is there a plugin you use to get the reflection effect? I usually end up doing it manually (copy, paste, flip horizontal, move, then overlay with transparent gradient).

chappy Apr. 17 '07

I did it manually. I wish I could show it to you looks much cooler and way more reflective. Basically, I offset the path inward a few pixels. Then I applies a gradient to both. The one in the middle was a bit transparent. Then I added my own highlights and of course the reflection. Like I said, if you could see it larger it's much shinier!

captain_laredo Apr. 17 '07

Dang...someone needs to develop a plugin for that.... call it %22Reflect 2.0%22 or something...(the effect is used in a lot of so-called Web 2.0 sites)

walmedia Sep. 27 '07



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